"How might we help HR and cutlure professionals better understand what is happening in the emotional landscape of their workplace culture?"
Desktop assistant
Hazel is a workplace culture engagement platform aimed to help HR and Culture Professionals better understand and respond to what is happening in the emotional landscape of their office. Hazel’s employee-focused interface, easy-to-read data, and actionable suggestions help create a fun and healthy feedback loop to prevent breakdowns in workplace culture.
Concept Development
UI Design
Character Design
Logo Design
Felix Ho
Stephanie Gamble
Pantea Parsa

Questions were generated by using insights that the team came up with based on interviews and secondary research.

Hazelville is a virtual simulation of an office space that doubles as a data visualization tool, displaying the results of the biweekly survey. The employee’s survey responses generate a hedgehog avatar representing the overall emotional state of the employee.


Culture professionals receive results via email. Hazel aggregates the information into easy to read visuals that focus on general themes about how employees are feeling about communication, office mood, collaboration, and workload.


We interviewed people who are working in creative fields or companies with highly developed workplace environment such as Facebook, Nike, and startup companies.

"In the same way that breakthrough technology, or efficient supply chain, or highly effective sales channels and distribution can lead to unfair advantages over competitors, culture can be a non-replicable resource that your competitors will struggle to identify as the reason your company is beating them. In this way, it's perhaps the most important piece in competitive environments."
- Gabriel Jones, CEO and Co-Founder of Stealth Mode

"As the line between work and personal life becomes less defined, workplace culture becomes less about the tangible space and more about the intangible headspace."